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I am not an AdSense Guru nor do I have the dreams in becoming a Blogging Guru. After maintaining several niche blogs and websites in the past; I decided to put up this personal blog where I could document and share my experiences in using Google AdSense and earning from AdSense. There are many varying opinions and viewpoints regarding this advertising program. Some are not successful in earning from AdSense and they do not advocate it because they say it’s not profitable and some even say that it is a scam. On the other hand, there are those who claim generating thousands of dollars monthly from AdSense. And based on my experience and not on my opinion, Google AdSense is not a scam and certainly is a profitable venture.

This blog was not put up to argue that AdSense is the best way to monetize one’s site. I am earning from Google AdSense, it is quite profitable but unfortunately it is not for everyone. Well undoubtedly it is life’s way to maintain everything in equilibrium. Somebody has to sew our clothes, build our cars, build our houses, produce our food, provide hosting for our website, etc. If the Internet is full of niche sites targeting specific users or market, it is also the same in life. We have to find our own niche, be good at it, love it, earn from it and be well doing it.

Earning decently from Google AdSense needs plenty of work and you need to be patient because it takes time to earn from it. Although there are ways and means to game the system of Google thus making life far easier but keep in mind that these methods will not last long. Google is a billion dollar company keep that in mind and they are doing all their best to show relevant results to their search engine as meaningful as possible to Internet users. So if you want to earn from AdSense decently in a very long time, please do not game their system! Provide useful content, adhere to their AdSense policies, do SEO favorable to search engines and the return of your investment will come back more than what you spent.

There are many blogs out there teaching you all you need to earn from AdSense. They are and have been very useful to me right now and at the beginning but as one learns the trade, soon you will develop your own style and might somewhat differ or deviate to what you have learned earlier. So it is best as you go along to keep on experimenting and keep on improving. Keep watching out for any changes and keep on adhering to Google’s policies. I still read these blogs; it helps me to evaluate my own judgment if what am doing will be right or wrong. And hopefully this blog will also serve its purpose to your own needs at the start.

You might also encounter people selling their ideas thru the form of eBooks. Before buying anything from them, use your judgment wisely. Most of these are backed by 30 – 60 days which if not fully satisfied your money will be refunded upon asking. I will be suggesting certain eBooks that I have read and used, and also a bunch of software that helped my niche sites ranked well which are now supplying the money I am using to pay the bills.

Asses first yourself if you want to enter the profession or business venture of Internet Marketing. Keep in mind that the gate keepers of the Internet also called as search engines will be watching you. It takes a lot of work to develop a website and it takes more work to do SEO in order to promote them. You will also need patience to wait before your sites get ranked in search results. At the end, after attaining all your goals for your site, there are no guarantees that your site will be profitable.

So to conclude, Google AdSense is not a scam. It is free to join, it will not require you to pay or buy anything. So where the f**k is the scam. If you have failed miserably in earning from AdSense, then something is wrong with what you are doing. Or maybe AdSense is not for you, or you might not like doing what you are supposed to do and you are just doing it because you think it is the easiest way to make some money. AdSense is not a get rich quick scheme, unless you are going to buy sites already earning from AdSense which are very expensive.

To be honest with you, it took me a year before I started earning hundreds of dollars each month. Don’t be discouraged if you are just earning cents at the beginning. Subscribe to this blog and learn as much as you can and who knows, someday you might be the next AdSense Guru and will be subscribing to your blog as well. And that my fellow Internet Marketer is the life of Internet Marketing – helping each one out to succeed.

I'm David Kurniawan,ST, the founder of BLOGGERspherepedia. I'm a freelance writer on topics related to Blogspot Article (BLOGGER). I'm blogging since 2010 and I'm currently a guest blogger on Blogging With Success.

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